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President’s Message

ចំនួនទស្សនា (1.7K)

The Police Academy of Cambodia (PAC) is a public educational establishment which acts as the secretariat to the Minister of Interior, entrusted with the roles and responsibilities to conduct the Police Science research and to nationwide train the national police and prison officers in security, public order and laws, information technology and foreign languages  in line with the plans of the Ministry of Interior and the Royal Government policies by upholding its Core Values of Quality, Professional Ethics, Discipline and Excellence as well as sticking to the 3 principles of Equity, Impartiality and Quality. 

The current progress of the Police Academy of Cambodia, arising out of the full support from the Royal Government of Cambodia under the wise and intellectual leadership of Samdech Akak Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, prime minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia who is the great founder of peace and the national scholar, set forth the overall sectoral reform policy, including all forms of armed forces in which it was also focused on strengthening of National Police Professional Capacity to suit with, and be responsive to the development of the security situation, technology innovation, prevailing of new crimes and all sorts of transnational crime in order to ensure peace, stability, security and safety which are fundamental to the nation development in all sectors and social harmony.

To move towards achieving the Royal Government’s Policy, Samdech Kralahaom Sar Kheng, deputy prime minister-minister of interior with his long term vision and development concept, setting forth the human resource development plan and extended his constant support in terms of legal framework, encouragement, materials and finance to the Police Academy of Cambodia for the purpose of professional capacity development and promotion of professional ethics of the national police and the prison offers across the nation.

In fulfilling its mission, the Police Academy of Cambodia set froth the 5 years strategic plan (2015-2019) and significant reforms, focusing on the 4 pillars of quality which are the international best practices, and the reform on management and leadership, teaching staff capacity building, curriculum development; and the development of infrastructure and learning resource, aiming at enhancing educational quality to meet the prescribed standards.

Both the hard and soft reform shall be subsequently implemented to transform the Police Academy of Cambodia to be suitably qualified, with its prestige, excellence and creditability.

At present, the Police Academy of Cambodia offers its educational program for Master and Bachelor degree level as well as various other skills trainings in line with the national policy, the need of operation of specialized entities and the development of national, reginal and international security situation.

President, Police Academy of Cambodia


Sdoa Kunleng Village, Dei Eith Commune, Kien Svay Distric, Kandal Province, Cambodia.
E-mail : info@pac.edu.kh
Phone: (+855) 12 895 690

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