



ជាតិ សាសនា ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ

Institutional Assessment of the Police Academy of Cambodia for Accreditation

ចំនួនទស្សនា (2.2K)

On Tuesday morning, November 19, 2019, H.E, General Prof. Seng Phally, president of the Police Academy of Cambodia extended his hospitality to the Assessors team of Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC) for conducting the accreditation assessment upon the request made by the Police Academy of Cambodia.

In this assessment, H.E president expressed his welcome remarks, raising that, this is the first time and a historical event the academy is assessed for its institutional accreditation in order to promote its prestige and excellence both within the national and international framework.

H.E, the President further stated that, at present, the Police Academy of Cambodia is progressing and continuing its reform efforts on administration, teachers capacity development, curriculum development, infrastructure development and development of physical materials of all types in line with the 5 year strategic plan (2015-2019), the human resource development plan of the Ministry of Interior and the Royal Government of Cambodia’s armed forces reform policy, especially, to respond to the National Standard for Higher Education Accreditation for promoting its prestige and excellence, comparable to the police training agencies of various countries under the ASEAN framework and of the region. It is also to promote the quality and professional capacity of the National Police and Prison Offers to meet the needs of the police user entities and enhancing effectiveness in the affairs of security and public order.

The accreditation assessment is conducting from 18 -22 November 2019 based on the 9 National Standards for Higher Education Accreditation, including:
Standard 1: Vision and Mission and Objective
Standard 2: Governance and Management
Standard 3: Teaching staff
Standard 4: Academic program
Standard 5: Students service
Standard 6: Learning resource
Standard 7: Physical resource
Standard 8: Finance resource
Standard 9: Internal Quality Assurance

In the process of this assessment, the ACC assessors’ team has also reviewed the evidential documents which support the national standard’s indicators, the conduct of direct examination on infrastructure, learning resource and interviewed with the management body, professors, national police instructors and students of the Police Academy of Cambodia.

The accreditation assessment is very important for the Police Academy of Cambodia to identify its strength, the issues to be improved for quality enhancement.

Article and pictures: by Department of Internal Quality Assurance



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E-mail : info@pac.edu.kh
Phone: (+855) 12 895 690

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